The packraft handbook

The Packraft Handbook: An instructional guide for the Curious, written by Luc Mehl and illustrated by Sarah K. Glaser.

This guide is a complete book for anyone interested in packrafting and wanting to learn the technique and safety. Readers will be able to learn to recognize the different parts of rivers, to prepare to face the risks during a trip on the water and to react when everything does not go as planned. This guide will be useful for beginners so that they can equip themselves and use their boat correctly, but also for experts who want to review the basics.

The illustrations are very clear and the multitude of photographs make it easy to understand the message. The text is in English and very clear.

Written by Luc Mehl, writer and outdoor and risk management specialist. It is based in Alaska, it is a reference for any packrafter tempted by white water and expeditions.


The packraft handbook

The Packraft Handbook: An instructional guide for the Curious, written by Luc Mehl and illustrated by Sarah K. Glaser.

This guide is a complete book for anyone interested in packrafting and wanting to learn the technique and safety. Readers will be able to learn to recognize the different parts of rivers, to prepare to face the risks during a trip on the water and to react when everything does not go as planned. This guide will be useful for beginners so that they can equip themselves and use their boat correctly, but also for experts who want to review the basics.

The illustrations are very clear and the multitude of photographs make it easy to understand the message. The text is in English and very clear.

Written by Luc Mehl, writer and outdoor and risk management specialist. It is based in Alaska, it is a reference for any packrafter tempted by white water and expeditions.



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